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Reg:Transformer stage and routines

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:43 am
by sasikala
Hi all,
I have installed Datastage 7.5x in my laptop(o.s is Windows XP Professinal).So i am able to work on serverjobs.But when i am going to work on Parallel jobs,except transformer i am able to use all the other stages.So is their any otherway to use the functions(Date,string ..etc) with any of the remaining stages(Otherthan Transformer stage).What needs to be done from my end to make the Transformer stage should work in parallel jobs?Could u please guide me on this regard?One more thing Could you please tell me how to write the parallel routines?Thank you verymuch in an Advance.

Thanks & regards

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:56 am
by Maveric
You would need a C++ compiler installed to work with transformer stage. Not sure which version would be compatible with Datastage 7.5x on Windows XP Professinal. You can do some of the transformations in a Modify stage. But not having a transformer is a real handicap.
Regarding the parallel routines do an exact search on "parallel routines". There are a lot of posts here. This is one such post.
