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Can any one look into this??

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:13 am
by AmeyJoshi14
Can anybody give detail of ... what is RunTime Column Propgation (RCP) is and what are the effects if check in the RCP box ?? :?:

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:28 am
by sri1dhar
Refer to Page 2-27 of "Parallel Job Developer's Guide".

DataStage is flexible about meta data. You can define part of your schema and specify that, if your job encounters extra columns that are not defined in the meta data when it actually runs, it will adopt these extra columns and propagate them through the rest of the job. This is known as runtime column propagation (RCP).

Example: when you are selecting from an Oracle table thru Oracle Enterprise Stage. You need to only define the metadata for the columns you are selecting, but when a record is rejected 2 columns sqlcode, sqlMessage (you need not define metadata for these columns) gets implicitly populated to the downstream stages which you can refer and use.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:31 am
by chulett
Two suggestions:

1) You start using better thread subjects rather than your "anyone" pleas. Of course, there are all kinds of "anyones" that can help with or look into issues here, that's the whole point of our existence.

2) 'Details' regarding RCP can be had by reading the documentation. Then come back here with specific questions or issues you encounter.