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FTP issue from ETL Server to Mainframe

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:46 pm
by horserider

I read a SQL Server Table and then populate a text file(orderdetails.txt). Total record length of text file is 160 characters (total 15 columns).

Once the job completes successfully, I am running a shell script (as below) that connects to a mainframe server and puts the text file
FTP <host Name>
LCD /dir/textfiledir/
put orderdetails.txt 'CRHY.PROD.ORDERDET'


Everything runs fine, only when I login to mainframe to see 'CRHY.PROD.ORDERDET' it has ONLY 80 characters record length. Rest all columns values are just gone

What command should I put in my FTP script, so that it transfers COMPLETE RECORD LENGTH to the mainframe server?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:04 pm
by ArndW
You are probably doing an ASCII (as opposed to a BINARY) ftp. If you file contains only text then this should be OK, as it will convert from your ASCII server to the mainframe's EBCDIC and it ought to be conserving the line length. You can try adding a "BINARY on" to your FTP commands and see if the data arrives with the correct length (the text contents will be garbage, since the ASCII-EBCDIC conversion hasn't been done).

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:28 pm
by shamshad
There are some parameters that are used when uploading files on Mainframe, You might want to use something like below

user myuser mypasswd
ascii (or binary whatever the case may be)
Quote Site Tracks Primary=NN Secondary=NN
Quote Site LRECL=NN

PUT abc.txt ''

NN= Any number that is appropriate for your file that is being uploaded on mainframe.