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XML Stage

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:06 am
by nataliacrespo
When I try to execute a job with an xml input stage, I get the following error message:

main_program: Fatal Error: Fatal: Shared library ( failed to load: errno = (8), system message = (rtld: 0712-001 Symbol execute__Q2_10xslt4c_1_98FunctionCFRQ2_10xslt4c_1_921XPathExecutionContextPQ2_10xslt4c_1_99XalanNodeQ2_10xslt4c_1_910XObjectPtrQ2_10xslt4c_1_910XObjectPtrQ2_10xslt4c_1_910XObjectPtrPCQ2_9xml4c_5_57Locator was referenced
from module /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSComponents/bin/, but a runtime definition

Someone could help me?

Thanks a lot.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:50 am
by JoshGeorge related error message may be related to your xml plugin installation/configuration. Check the permissions in the DSEngine/lib directory also.

Re: XML Stage

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:41 pm
by DSkkk
nataliacrespo wrote:Hi!
When I try to execute a job with an xml input stage, I get the following error message:

main_program: Fatal Error: Fatal: Shared library ( failed to load: errno = (8), system message = (rtld: 0712-001 Symbol execute__Q2_10xslt4c_1_98FunctionCFRQ2_10xslt4c_1_921XPathExecutionContextPQ2_10xslt4c_1_99XalanNodeQ2_10xslt4c_1_910XObjectPtrQ2_10xslt4c_1_910XObjectPtrQ2_10xslt4c_1_910XObjectPtrPCQ2_9xml4c_5_57Locator was referenced
from module /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSComponents/bin/, but a runtime definition

Someone could help me?

Thanks a lot.
Is the Issue with the XML Input stage fixed for u? We are upgrading from DS 7.1 to 7.5.2 and i get the following Fatal Error and the Job Fails:

main_program: Fatal Error: Fatal: Shared library ( failed to load: errno = (8), system message = (rtld: 0712-001 Symbol transcode__9XMLStringFCPCUs was referenced
from module /opt/etl/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/lib/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol transcode__9XMLStringFCPCc was referenced
from module /opt/etl/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/lib/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol compareString__9XMLStringFCPCUsCPCUs was referenced
from module /opt/etl/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/lib/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol makeNewTranscoderFor__15XMLTransServiceFCPCcRQ2_15XMLTransService5CodesCUi was referenced
from module /opt/etl/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/lib/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol makeNewTranscoderFor__15XMLTransServiceFCPCUsRQ2_15XMLTransService5CodesCUi was referenced
from module /opt/etl/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/lib/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol isAllWhiteSpace__9XMLStringFCPCUs was referenced
from module /opt/etl/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/lib/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol execute__8FunctionCFR21XPathExecutionContextP9XalanNodeC10XObjectPtrC10XObjectPtrC10XObjectPtrPC7Locator was referenced
from module /opt/etl/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/lib/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
0509-021 Additional errors occurred but are not reported.)

Your solution might help us in resolving the issue.

Thanks a bunch !!