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sql loader script runs outsd, but not insd Datastage

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:45 am
by jherr22
My unix script:
sqlldr user/pswd@dbase control=<path>myfile.ctl data=<path>mydata.dat

I can run this script on unix cmd line and it works fine.
The data is loaded into the Oracle table (identified in the .ctl file)

Then I use an Execute Command stage, calling this same unix script.

In the log "Event Detail" window, it shows successful logical record counts, up to 21077 records.

The next Event Detail log window says <script name> did not finish OK, return = '2'

I then go to Oracle and do a "Select Count(*) ..." and I get 21062 records. So they did not all load.

This is consistent every time I run the stage.
And the from unix, it works w/o error every time.

It is as if DataStage decided to stop the load after 21062 records.

Any ideas?
-- john herr
W: 303-977-3955

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:29 pm
by chulett
What does your ".bad" file show? Anything?