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multiple instancing

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:42 pm
by UPS
I have a job that runs on multiple insancing using a shell is a job that extracts data from an Oracle database and puts it into a dataset...The shell script triggers this job mutilple times in the background all at a time...
when I run this script(which in turn runs the job) it runs fine for small number of instances(i.e..,say 10) but if I run the job for more number of instances like 40 it runs for only 14 instances and the other instances says erro running the job"TIMED OUT" .One thing that is for sure is there is lot of free disc space on the cpu while the job is I am positive that is it not due to the disc space available...can someone help me know i there is any setting that I got to change for running more number of instances at a time

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:18 pm
by chulett
There's no magic setting to help when you run more jobs than your system can handle. Suggest you do an Exact Search for your actual error message - "timed out while waiting for an event" - and start reading.