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Dataset Import error

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:57 am
by scorpion
Hi All,

I am getting below message in my log,when i try to run the job.

I have dataset as one input file.

Input_Delta,0: Delimiter for field "CNTRY_NME" not found; input: {U N I T E D 20 K I N G D O M}, at offset: 313

no records are processing and all are rejecting.

Can any one help me on this please?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:36 pm
by ArndW
Are you 100% certain that your dataset is being created with the same metadata and parameters as in your job which reads it? It sounds like you are missing a column definition.
You can view the dataset's schema in DataSet management or with the UNIX orchadmin command.