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When to use Server & Parallel jobs.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:54 am
by id4dstech

Please let me know the criteria of deciding when to use server jobs & when to use the parallel jobs.

That is what are the cond. under which we should create the job as parallel job & server job.


Re: When to use Server & Parallel jobs.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:00 am
by Raghumreddy
There is no such rule to seperate it,
if a process is taking more time to run more number of records like millions then we generally suggest to go parallel,

Going from server to parallel is not an upgrade
we need to rewrite the process again.

If you are using heavy loads we suggest to go parallel.

If you have multi processor and multiple resources then only you can use the parellel effectively.
Generally you can write any process in server or parallel.

Raghu M

id4dstech wrote:Hi,

Please let me know the criteria of deciding when to use server jobs & when to use the parallel jobs.

That is what are the cond. under which we should create the job as parallel job & server job.
