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Migrated projects working only for admin id

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:34 am
by Poornagirija
We have migrated few projects from sol8 to sol10.
All the projects are working fine if run the jobs as dsadm admin user.
But if we tried to login as individual user the jobs are showing the running mode.not able to stop the job in director.We need to kill the job in unix.
As soon as we start running the job its appearing as phantom in unix.

We have changed the permissions properly in administrator.Is there any thing we need to take care?
Could anyone please help us

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:31 pm
by asorrell
Check to insure that all files have the dstage group (or whatever group you use to indicate datastage access) as their permissions group. This is for the project and the DataStage home directory.

While you are in the project you can use the following command to set access to for all the files in the directory (and sub-directories).

chgrp -R dstage *

Note: a few files in the DataStage home directory are owned by root / system which is ok.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:10 am
by Poornagirija
Thanks for your reply.

My id is now added to the group.But iam facing issue when running jobs.
One job is running fine by both my id and admin id.But other job is not running when i tried to run using myid but its working fine with admin id.
Its just simple seq to seq file job.

What might be the issue how to resolve that?

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:00 pm
by ray.wurlod
For starters, NEVER kill job processes.

What errors occur? "Not working fine" is insufficient diagnosis. What are the operating system permissions on the source file, the target file, and the parent directory of each?