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Timeout while inserting data through Teradata Multiload stag

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:21 pm
by bhaskarjha
I have a job which reads data from a staging table (Odbc stage) & loads the data to target Teradata table (Teradata Multiload).

ODBC-(Source)-->Transformer-->Teradata Multiload(Target)

In target stage we have delete in before sql & update in after sql. These delete & update are on the same table on which we insert the data. The error which I am getting is as below


Mload_STG_NAME,0: Failure during execution of operator logic. [api/operator_rep.C:331]

Mload_STG_NAME,0: Fatal Error: Fatal: Timeout reached before MultiLoad opened STG_NAME.TABLE_NAME ** Check MultiLoad report ** [dscapiop.C:1882]

Step execution finished with status = FAILED. [sc/sc_api.C:252]


More info on Multilaod stage
Tab name--Stage--> Advanced Execution mode - <default>
Combinabilty mode <Auto>
Tab name--Input-->General Checked (Overwrite existing script & Use named pipe box), data format is Fast Load

Tab name--Input-->Multiload/Tpump Load utility-Multiload,
Load type-Insert

Tab name--Input-->Limit Setting all set to default '0'

Tab name--Input-->Partitioning Auto

Tab name--Input--> Advanced Buffering mode--Default

Please help me to resolve this issue

Thanks :P ,