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Xml Validation in XML Input Stage against a given schema

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:07 am
by harshada
I have an XML input file to be parsed into a flat file/DBMS.
I need to validate the input XML file against a XSD schema file.

XML Input Stage Details
Include namespace declarations - Checked
Validate Schema - Strict
Namespace declaration:

It does basic schema validations like if the closing tag is missing then an error is thrown.
My question is does it validate against a schema file provided? ie check for the data types , 'maxoccurs' , 'minoccurs' etc
Example :
Schema file : <xs:element name="uid" type="xs:int" />
XML File : <uid>737</uid>

If I change the value of uid to <uid>abc </uid> it does not validate or throw an error.

can anyone please let me know if such a case can be handled in DataStage parallel or server job ? and if yes then how.
