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Reading an encrypted Buffer from DB2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:37 am
by avenki77
Hi All,

I have a requirement to read a BUFFER (CLOB) field from a table in DB2UDB. The field is a complex 3000 bytes field which has various information is written in key-length-value format. i.e.:

KKKKLLLLVVVKKKKLLLLVVVVVVVVVV..........................etc till EOL
K - Key (4 chars)
L - Length (4 Chars)
V - Value (Based on length above)

On top of this the entire field is encrypted using AES 128 bit encryption.

I need only certain information from this field and I know the Key for those.

1. What is the suggested way to read this efficiently?
2. My source table is populated by a Java Code and I can get a decryption code written in Java and get it converted into an executable. If so, is it possible to call the OS command from within the transformer for every input row and how efficient will it be?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:56 pm
by ArndW
Can you get the java into a library routine? If so, then you can create a c++ interlude call and put that into a library and call it directly from the transform stage - this is much more efficient than pushing and popping a shell & executable for each row of data.

The record itself can be interpreted using vectors quite easily in PX.