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Conditional execution of next job in sequence

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:50 pm
by Havoc
There is a requirement where there are two jobs. One job loads a dataset. And another job loads from the dataset to a table. The first job should load all records into the dataset but if there are any 'error' records , the next job which loads from the dataset to the table should not run.

The only way i can think of is to write an indicator value to a sequential file and then use Execute Command Activity Stage to read from the file and trigger the next job depending upon the indicator value in the Sequential File.

Is there a better way to go about implementing this?

Thanks in advance :)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:54 pm
by ray.wurlod
Be more specific about the design of the first job. How does it identify and capture these "error" records? Surely it is enough to detect the non-zero size of the file into which they are captured?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:54 pm
by ArndW
Why not make sure that any rejected records trigger a warning. Start both jobs in a sequence but make the second one dependant upon the first one not generating warnings.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:17 am
by Havoc
ArndW wrote:Why not make sure that any rejected records trigger a warning. Start both jobs in a sequence but make the second one dependant upon the first one not generating warnings. ...
Its not exactly 'rejected records'. The next job should only start when there are no 'exception' records. There is an exception table to which records with column X,Y,etc are null are sent. When a single row passes to the exception table the next job should not start. The capturing of these 'exception' records is done in a transformer.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:26 am
by ArndW
Either in a user activity of the calling sequence or in the Job Control section of the second job add some lines to get the number of rows that went down that exception link from the last run of job 1, if that is greater than 0 then either don't start the second job or (if you decide to put it in the job control section) abort the job without running the PX portion.

You can get the number of rows through a link using DSAttachJob(), DSGetLinkInfo() and DSDetachJob()

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:02 am
by ag_ram
Can an after Job Abort routine be used (based on the record count through the "exception" link) that will abort execution till there are no exception records . That way execution of next job can be controlled

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:20 am
by ArndW
But the original poster didn't want to abort the first job, just not execute the second one - otherwise it would have been simple to put a limit of 1 row on the exception link and trigger an immediate failure.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:40 am
by Havoc
ArndW wrote:But the original poster didn't want to abort the first job, just not execute the second one - otherwise it would have been simple to put a limit of 1 row on the exception link and trigger an immediate ...
Yeah that's right.. The problem is each job has a separate sequence of its own. So the main sequence is actually calling each job sequence. So job1 is in jobsequence1 and job2 is in jobsequence2 and the master sequence is


My bad.. I didnt say this earlier. So now how can we conditionally execute jobsequence2 ?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:08 am
by ArndW
I suppose my earlier post got cut off at whatever the 'premium poster' limit of words is, so you didn't see all that I wrote. You can find out how many rows went down a particular link using the DSGetLinkInfo() routine, which you can set up and call from within a user activity stage in a sequence. With that number of rows you can branch your sequence so that the job doesn't get executed if that row count is greater than zero.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:25 am
by Havoc
ArndW wrote:I suppose my earlier post got cut off at whatever the 'premium poster' limit of words is, so you didn't see all that I wrote. You can find out how many rows went down a particular link using the DSGetLinkInfo() routine, which you can set up and call from within a user activity stage in a sequence. With that number of rows you can branch your sequence so that the job doesn't get executed if that row count is greater than zero.
Hi Arnd, Thanks for the reply. How do I use the DSGetLinkInfo() function in the situation stated?

Job1 in JobSequence1 and Job2 in JobSequence2. Master sequence being :

JobSequence1 -> JobSequence2

The syntax of DSGetLinkInfo() function is

DSGetLinkInfo (JobHandle, StageName, LinkName, InfoType)

How do i get the JobHandle of Job1 ?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:08 am
by ArndW
There are 3 calls you need to do, each is a function.
1. JobHandle variable from DSAttachJob({YourJobName})
2. Use that handle in the call to DSGetLinkInfo()
3. Close the handle with DSDetachJob()

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:29 am
by Havoc
ArndW wrote:There are 3 calls you need to do, each is a function.
1. JobHandle variable from DSAttachJob({YourJobName})
2. Use that handle in the call to DSGetLinkInfo()
3. Close the handle with DSDetachJob() ...
When you say 'call', do you mean that there should be three separate user activity variables? I didnt quite get this :( ...
Can you please explain this with the following example:

job2 (needs to run based on job1 execution)

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:52 pm
by ArndW
Yes, 3 separate user variables in that activity (I'm fairly certain that user variables can be used later in the same stage, analogous to what happens in Transform stage). I would write this as a simple routine

Code: Select all


   JobName = 'MyJob'
   LinkName = 'MyLink'
   StageName = 'MyStage'
   JobHandle = DSAttachJob(JobName,DSJ.ERRFATAL)
   IF JobHandle
      Ans = DSGetLinkInfo(JobHandle,StageName,LinkName,DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT)
      Dummy = DSDetachJob(JobHandle)
   ELSE Ans = 'Error Opening Job'
This is just a quickie routine, you can search the forum for more elaborate ones.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:19 pm
by Havoc
ArndW wrote:Yes, 3 separate user variables in that activity (I'm fairly certain that user variables can be used later in the same stage, analogous to what happens in Transform stage). I would write this as a simp ...
From what i understand:

there should be three user activity variables and we later use that user variable activity in a trigger.. the problem is :

when i create a new user variable activity and i put in the following expression for the first variable :

DSAttachJob({Job1}) <- there's a warning message saying 'Expected Expression'. Am I missing out on something ?

I tried all permutations and combinations DSAttachJob({"Job1"}),DSAttachJob("Job1") <-the warning for this is variable DSAttachJob not found..

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:26 pm
by ArndW
I posted a full routine, but you would need to join as a premium member to use it. Lookup up DSAttachJob() in the docs, it has 2 parameters.