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BusinessDate vs SystemDate

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:21 am
by scorpion
Hi All,

I am trying to populate one of my target column by using below logic:

If (DUE_STLMT_DT + 2415021) > JulianDayFromDate(CurrentDate())

Then 'U'

Else If (DUE_STLMT_DT + 2415021)<=JulianDayFromDate(CurrentDate())

Then 'S' Else ''
But the problem with above code is:

when the job runs midnight it is taking systemdate as current date,,but we need businessdate..

for ex:
if my job runs on 11:30pm on 15aug2007,it is giving 15aug2007 records because it is taking systemdateas current date

but if my job runs 12:30am on 16th it is giving 16aug2007 records
can any one help me to get actual businessdate records

how to implement to pick the records of my actual businessdate
in my above code..

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:25 am
by Maveric
Passing the date as parameter? Instead of currentdate() DateFromString(#BusinessDate#).

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:16 am
by scorpion
Thanks Maveric it resolved...