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6MB in Reference Data: OK for Lookup Or go for a JOIN

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:23 pm
by vijayrc
I'm evaluating a job for optimization/performance etc, and I see that there's a JOIN being used. One of the reference file can be upto 6MB. Is it advisable to go for LOOKUP in place of this JOIN ?

Re: 6MB in Reference Data: OK for Lookup Or go for a JOIN

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:21 pm
by ds_debasis
vijayrc wrote:Hi,
I'm evaluating a job for optimization/performance etc, and I see that there's a JOIN being used. One of the reference file can be upto 6MB. Is it advisable to go for LOOKUP in place of this JOIN ?
I think using Lookup stage ( with ref. link entire partitioning and input link unsorted) will enhance the performance.