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Conditional job processing based on a reject file

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:09 am
by harshada
Hi ,
I have an input file, which is validated using a transformer. If any record is incorrect then it is rejected at the transformer and is captured in a reject file else it goes to a dataset.
My requirement is :- I need to capture all the reject records inthe reject file. If there are reject records then i need to call a set of jobs (say A) , If there are no reject records then i need to call a different job (say B).
I tried using the 'Abort after (rows)' in the transformer , but in this case the job aborts and i do not have a reject file for further processing.
How do i handle this requirement ?

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:56 am
by ArndW
You need to do this from a Job Sequence, as you are making decisions about which jobs to call. You can make the condition simple in the Job Sequence (i.e. execute a wc -l on the reject file to get the number of lines)