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Connectivity port ranges for DS over VPN

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:42 am
by ds_is_fun
We are just installing Information Server 8.0.1. Our users will obviously connect to DS server from DS client. Assuming that our IP is for the server machine. Now, while connecting through VPN on Client what are the port ranges that we would need to specify.

Re: Connectivity port ranges for DS over VPN

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:25 am
by thuan
Try following:

2. IIS agent (ASB Agent Port) - 31531
IIS agent (Logging Agent Port) - 31533

3. DataStage RPC daemon - 31538 - *

4. DB2 - 50000, 60000, 60001, 60002, 60003

5. IIS Admin Console - 9080 - *

6. WebSphere Application Server Ports

9060 - Administrative Console Port (WC_adminhost)

9443 - HTTPS Transport Port (WC_defaulthost_secure)

9043 - Administrative Console Secure Port (WC_adminhost_secure)

2809 - Bootstrap port (BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS) - *

9809 - Bootstrap port for deployment manager (BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS) - *

8880 - SOAP Connector Port (SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADRESS)

9100 - ORB Listener Port (ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS) - *

9401-9403 - SSL listener ports - *

9353 - High Availability Manager Communication Port (DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS)

7276 - Service Integration Port (SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS) - *

7286 - Service Integration Secure Port (SIB_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS) - *

5558 - MQ Transport Port (SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS) - *

5578 - MQ Transport Secure Port (SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS) - *

7. First Job Monitoring Port - 13400

Second Job Monitoring Port- 13401