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encrypted Information in DS

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:37 am
by Pavan_Yelugula
Hi All
I have a Encrypted field in my source flat file. I need two clarifications regarding the same
1) If i don't want any processing to be done on the field can i just pass the field along from the start to end by using datatype as VARCHAR. Does DS Mess with it( DS not able to parse some values in encrypted field).

2) The field in the source flat file is encrypted by sending the file through IBM's ICSF encryption software . If i want to do some processing on this field. how exactly can i decrypt it and do my processing and how exactly can i encrypt it back. Is there some stage i can use to call this software and do my decryption and encryption.

Any suggestions will be really helpful

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:16 pm
by ArndW
1) DataStage will pass the data through unchanged unless you explicitly modify it - so the contents, if encrypted, will remain so.

2) As far as I understand it, ICSF encryption software has numerous user exits, so you need to identify the appropriate routine(s) you need to use and write your own calling code in DataStage