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Plug in issue

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:56 am
by g_rkrish

I have a DB2 dtabases i have dev and test in one server and the prod in diff server..In my dev installation on the Datastage i defined the plug in defn for all the three databases in my .odbc.ini file also in the uvodbc.config in the project dir..but when i try to import the table definition in the list i view only my dev which is being defined earlier and the other two defined now...both has the DB2 plugin driver Is some thing else that i need to do ..Pls help me out......

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:19 pm
by thebird
You can just type in the DSNs and check it out.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:34 pm
by DSguru2B
How are you importing the metadata? As in, "import plug-in metadata" or "import odbc metadata"?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:43 pm
by g_rkrish
DSguru2B wrote:How are you importing the metadata? As in, "import plug-in metadata" or "import odbc metadata"?
I am importing as plug inmetadata but i could not able to see those definitions..but i can see those in my odbc's......

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:40 pm
by DSguru2B
Did you setup and bind the database. Its been a while since I worked with DB2 but I remember that you need to bind the database. You should be able to find the relevent info in the manuals.
If you are able to import the metadata using odbc connection, use that and then use the db2 api stage to access the database. It works.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:06 pm
by g_rkrish
DSguru2B wrote:Did you setup and bind the database. Its been a while since I worked with DB2 but I remember that you need to bind the database. You should be able to find the relevent info in the manuals.
If you ar ...
I tired importing the table defn by odbc and using the API stage it did n't work it is giving me the databse not defined.But i can able to import by odbc..Is this beacuse of the binding thing....

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:16 pm
by DSguru2B
Yes it is. You need to bind it before using the API. I am not currently on a DS machine so cannot even look at the manul and guide you. Try the DB2 plugin stage manual.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:00 am
by ray.wurlod
Ask your DB2 DBA about the bind20 utility.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:33 am
by g_rkrish
ray.wurlod wrote:Ask your DB2 DBA about the bind20 utility. ...
hi,this is the one that i got from the manual

Creating and binding a DB2 package to a DSN Before you connect to a DB2 DSN you need to bind DB2 packages to the DSN. You must bind a package to every DSN you are going to use to connect to a DB2 database.

To create and bind a package to a DSN:
1. Open a terminal window and change to the $DSHOME/../branded_odbc/lib directory.
2. Enter the command bind20dsn. dsn is the ODBC data source name.
You are prompted for a user ID and password if one is required.

when i isued the command bind20<mydsnname> it says bind20 not found is the utility need to be installed on the server or is it inbuild with datstage while installtion....Pls let me know.....

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:57 am
by g_rkrish
g_rkrish wrote:
ray.wurlod wrote:Ask your DB2 DBA about the bind20 utility. ...
hi,this is the one that i got from the manual

Creating and binding a DB2 package to a DSN Before you connect to a DB2 DSN you need to bind DB2 packages to the DSN. You must bind a package to every DSN you are going to use to connect to a DB2 database.

To create and bind a package to a DSN:
1. Open a terminal window and change to the $DSHOME/../branded_odbc/lib directory.
2. Enter the command bind20dsn. dsn is the ODBC data source name.
You are prompted for a user ID and password if one is required.

when i isued the command bind20<mydsnname> it says bind20 not found is the utility need to be installed on the server or is it inbuild with datstage while installtion....Pls let me know.....
Can any body help me with finding this utility.....

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:11 pm
by chulett
As noted, your DBA.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:38 pm
by g_rkrish
chulett wrote:As noted, your DBA.
Thanks craig...I will do that.....

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:57 pm
by g_rkrish
chulett wrote:As noted, your DBA.
I did ran the bind22 utitily it said it is successfuly binded but i don't see the DSN in the import plugin....Is ther some thing else i am missing