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Player 3 terminated unexpectedly

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:09 am
by JeroenDmt
Since a few days we're having a new datastage served installed (same version 7.5.1.A as on the old server, but a different machine).

When running some jobs on the new server, I'm now and then getting fatal error messages

Code: Select all

   node_node2: Player 3 terminated unexpectedly.
    main_program: Unexpected termination by Unix signal 9(SIGKILL)
    main_program: Step execution finished with status = FAILED.
(sometimes the second line is missing).
The jobs run with the same files, the same data, etc. Most of the time it runs correctly, sometimes it aborts with these error messages.
(and no, nobody is using unix kill commands)

I have searched the forum about these error messages and saw it could be related to a JOBMON problem for which a patch exists. Can somebody tell me which patch I need for that?

I can see on the old server is a subdirectory ../Ascential/patches that has two installed patches (patch_85840 and patch_91846), but on the new server there is no such directory, so I assume there are no patches installed on that machine then?

Is there a way to find out if one of these two patches could be related to this problem and installing the patch could fix it?

The person that installed the server is away for the rest of the week, so I can't get any information about this there now. But it would be nice to know if installing one of these patches would solve the problem and I can stop wasting my time trying to find out the problem or I need to go on figuring out why it works most of the times and doesn't other times.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:38 pm
by balajisr
I have no idea about the patch but as a temporary solution until next week you can disable job monitor to solve this problem.