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Multiple Instance job and Passing Invocation ID

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:33 pm
by snt_ds

I have a multiple instance dimension job, this job will have below jobs.
SEQ calls all the 3 jobs.
Invocation ID is passed to SEQ from the Script .

Target and Source table structures are same, Jobs are running fine and everything is working fine for the dimensions.

Now I'm having difficulty to load the FACT job.
In my fact jobs I do the lookup on Dimensions if record is not found I initiate Late arriving dimension records,
for this reason I need to run my dimension job from XFM ( No need to run the EXT).
In Fact I get the reject file which I need to use as source for my dimension XFM job.

How can I pass the Invocation ID to the job with the file name Ext_ABC.ds
ABC is my invocation ID for the Dimension jobs.


Re: Multiple Instance job and Passing Invocation ID

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:10 pm
by thamark
snt_ds wrote:Hi,

How can I pass the Invocation ID to the job with the file name Ext_ABC.ds
ABC is my invocation ID for the Dimension jobs.

Suresh i had similar experience here is what i have done in that case.

For each dimension i created two sequence as follows

I created one sequence, which is normal run and it includes extract and other jobs in it.

Second one i created without the first extract job as part of sequence.

I will invoke the second sequence as part of the late arriving dimension logic from fact table processing.. I guess you would be able assign correct invocation id while doing it so..

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:41 pm
by kduke
You need a parameter that matches your invocation ids. These should be known and not random.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:21 am
by JoshGeorge
Use 'Nested_Condition' stage in SEQ which will call EXT or XFM as start job according to a parameter you pass to indicate if it has to run for dimension or fact. Your reject file name from fact loading can also be passed as a parameter or you can rename it according to requirement before calling SEQ. You can pass the same Invocation ID you used for dimension while you run fact also (Plenty of options).