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Informix XPS Fast Stage Error

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:19 pm
by kool_cons
I am using informix XPS fast stage as source and target stages. I have given proper database name and servername,still it is failing with below error. I tried to connect same table with informix client stage,it did work. Problem is happening with Informix Enterprise stage. Do i need to configure some thing to use informix enterprise stage?

Real_TABLE: connect failed for conn: orchestrate, env: webrpt, user: , password:
.Real_TABLE: An Informix call failed: sqlcode = -329, sqlstate = IX000
message: Database not found or no system permission.
.main_program: Operator has input virtual dataset whose feeding operator ("APT_DBImportOperator in Real_TABLE") is not in step; on input number 0.
main_program: Creation of a step finished with status = FAILED.