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Datastage Connection breaks out

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:07 pm
by Sakthi_Sst
Hi All,

I have an issue on the datstage conncetivity.


Iam connecting to a remote server through VPN.
When I leave the job opened and idle for some 15 mins the datastage connection breaks and the job is locked.
I have to release the job only through the administrator.
This has a huge impact on the development.


1.Is there a way where I can prevent the datastage conncection not to break?
2.Is there a way I can increase the session time out for the connectivity?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:37 pm
by chulett
You set the Inactivity Timeout in the Adminstrator for the server instance, and must be 'dsadm' (or equivalent) to change it.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:05 pm
by Sakthi_Sst
Hi Craig,

Sorry for my ignorance!

Is that in the Environment variables of the Administrator do I find the Inactivity Timeout?

If yes where in the Environment variables?
If no where in Adminsitrator?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:13 pm
by csrazdan
chulett wrote:You set the Inactivity Timeout in the Adminstrator for the server instance, and must be 'dsadm' (or equivalent) to change it. ...
Just want to add...
You will have to recycle DataStage engine for new Inactivity Timeout to take effect.

Also if a job is locked you can try unlock it yourself. In most cases you should be able to unlock the job. Follow following Cleanup Procedure:

1. Logon to your project using DataStage Director.
2. From the menu click on Jobs --> Cleanup Resources. Wait for Job Resources window to popup.
3. Select "Show All" option (option 1) for the Processes box (By default "Show by job" is selected).
4. Find and select PID# in the Processes box for your job.
5. Once you click on PID# in the Processes box, "Show by Porcess" option (Option 3) will be enabled in Locks box.
6. Select "Show by Porcess" option (Option 3) from the Locks box.
7. If you see any Locks for the selected PID# in the Locks box, click on "Release All" button to cleanup locks.
8. Remember PID# and select it one more time and Click on "Logout" button in the Processes box to clean up process.

Note: The user who was working on the locked job should try this unlocking procedure...

Hope it helps.......

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:39 pm
by JoshGeorge
csrazdan wrote: In most cases you should be able to unlock the job. Follow following Cleanup Procedure:

1. Logon to your project using DataStage Director.
2. From the menu click on Jobs --> Cleanup Resources. Wait for Job Resources window to popup.
Just want to add...
Required setting - Job Administration in Director should be enabled in Administrator :!:

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:39 pm
by csrazdan
Sakthi_Sst wrote:Hi Craig,

Sorry for my ignorance!

Is that in the Environment variables of the Administrator do I find the Inactivity Timeout?

If yes where in the Environment variables?
If no where in Adminsitrator?
It is on the General tab of your DataStage Administrator client. You can also set it to "Do not Timeout" - which may not be a good idea.

This is engine level setting and will effect for all projects. Do not forget to recycle engine.

Hope it helps...