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Errors on a Lookup Stage

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:39 am
by KoningB

I'm trying to run a job that takes 5 lookup files, and does some replace on a transaction file. I created this job on a dev box and it worked fine. The job just got promoted to the production server and errors began appearing. Here is the primary error:

LUP_Join_and_Replace,2: Could not map table file "D:/IBM/Datasets/lookuptable.20070507.i1q4boc" of length 1136: Permission denied
:!: The 'D' drive was the drive the job was created on in the dev system. There is no 'D' drive on the production server :!:

However I never map to any files that I know of. My question is what is this talking about, and can I fix it? The error isn't static either, the ending of the file name changes between runs. e.g.:

LUP_Join_and_Replace,0: Could not map table file "D:/IBM/Datasets/lookuptable.20070507.ukfohxb" of length 1136: Permission denied

These were back to back runs, but the file name changed. This I believe is the main error I need fixed. Another problem that has shown up is that all of my records from an input file come with this warning:

APT_CombinedOperatorController(0),1: Field 'Res' from input dataset '0' is NULL. Record dropped.

This error repeats for every record, but I've been over that file and recreated it several times to no avail.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:42 am
by DSguru2B
As for your first error. Look at your config file and see what paths have you specified their.
As for your second error, it seems like there is NULL encountered in a non-nullable column. Please check the metadata and the records. If the column is infact not nullable, then handle nulls appropriately.
Are there any additional surrounding messages for the second error?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:34 pm
by KoningB
So the main error is coming from a config problem with the server. Good call! 8)

As for the second error, NULLS are allowd and handled for that field, and there are no NULLS in the file. Any idea what's happening? (No surronding error messages)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:05 pm
Concentrate on fixing the first error and the second may just drop out.

If you have fixed the first and still get the second try setting APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION = 'True' so you can see exactly which operator is causing the problem.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:08 pm
by ray.wurlod
NULLs can appear in the stream if a lookup fails and the lookup failed rule is Continue. The Lookup stage is then effectively performing a left outer join.