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ERROR in DB2 stage

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:19 am
by jimgowtham

I have parallel job as...

dataset---->transformer---->db2 stage

I tried to update the record with few key column's. And i'm getting the error as....

main_program: Internal Error: (k == numNodes): db2partutils.C: 726
Traceback: pureAssertion__13APT_FatalPathFPCcPCci() at 0xd97c8554
groupNodes__11APT_DB2InfoFPCwPCwP12APT_DB2UtilsP12APT_ErrorLogPCw() at 0xdab5c5e8
getTableDB2NodeMap__12APT_DB2UtilsFPCwPP8APT_NodePiPP14APT_DB2NodeSetP12APT_ErrorLogPCw() at 0xdab5cc04
describeOperator__21APT_Db2UpsertOperatorFv() at 0xdaba3240
wrapDescribeOperator__15APT_OperatorRepFv() at 0xd90cec68
check1a__15APT_OperatorRepFv() at 0xd90cf818
sequenceAndCheck1Operators__11APT_StepRepFR12APT_ErrorLog() at 0xd911437c
check__11APT_StepRepFv() at 0xd911398c
check__8APT_StepFv() at 0xd910aa20
createAndCheckStep__7APT_OSLFP20APT_OSL_SIL_StepSpecR12APT_ErrorLog() at 0xda63499c

Thanks & Regards..

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:17 pm
by Andet
okay; an 'educated' guess.
1. Check permissions to catalog tables
2. Verify configuration file has all the nodes of the database defined.

It looks like confusion over the node definitions and descriptions.
Do other jobs against these table(s) run clean?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:02 pm
by ecalvert
Looks like the db2nodes.cfg file is unreadable/corrupt/missing/etc.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:19 pm
by ecalvert

Also, make sure the db2nodes.cfg file has the actual machine name(s) for each node, and not "localhost"...

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:54 am
by Andet
Also make sure the server host names in the db2 nodes configuration files exactly match the host names in the datastage configuration file.


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:33 am
by my_stm
Andet wrote:Also make sure the server host names in the db2 nodes configuration files exactly match the host names in the datastage configuration file.

Sorry, can you please explain in more detail on how to check the host files from both side? :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:11 am
by jimgowtham

My data stage configuration file looks like...

main_program: APT configuration file: /dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Configurations/GlxDB2ETL_Small.apt
node "etl_8005"
fastname "dbsp8005"
pools "" "etl"
resource disk "/pxwork" {pools "" "export"}
resource scratchdisk "/pxscratch" {pools ""}
node "db2_8003"
fastname "dbsp8003"
pools "db2"
resource disk "/pxwork" {pools "" "export"}
resource scratchdisk "/pxscratch" {pools ""}
node "db2_8004"
fastname "dbsp8004"
pools "db2"
resource disk "/pxwork" {pools "" "export"}
resource scratchdisk "/pxscratch" {pools ""}

Can you please tell me how to find the db2 nodes configuration file...?



Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:21 pm
by Andet
The db2nodes dataset is in the sqllib directory.
Check your db2 path. The file will have the node, host, and partition number. The host, has to exactly match your specifications of fastname.
Some files have more that one name specified and that's okay, as long qs you have a fastname matching that specifies each node.


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:16 am
by chowmunyee
The db2nodes dataset is in the sqllib directory.
Check your db2 path. The file will have the node, host, and partition number. The host, has to exactly match your specifications of fastname.
Some files have more that one name specified and that's okay, as long qs you have a fastname matching that specifies each node.
My understanding on your explaination:
When i look on db2nodes.cfg, it contains
0 example001 0

0 - node
example001 - host
0 - partition number

I search my configuration files,
node "sample001"
fastname "example001"
pools ""
resource disk "/home/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Datasets" {pools ""}
resource scratchdisk "/home/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Scratch" {pools ""}

The "example001" which i bold it must be the same.
Please correct me if i'm wrong. :wink:

I have one more doubt, does "node sample001" use in any configuration files? :oops:

Thank you

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:02 am
by jimgowtham
Mydb2config file looks like ....

gmasila@(/db2t/gtstinsa/sqllib)$ cat db2nodes.cfg
1 dbsp8003 0
2 dbsp8003 1
3 dbsp8004 0
4 dbsp8004 1
5 dbsp8005 0



Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:07 pm
by Andet
well, if all you have on DB2 is some example data, you're fine. Now if you really have a partitioned db2 database, your path is wrong an pointing to the wrong set of db2 libraries and sqllib.
Partition number 0 is usually used for the DB2 catalog.
One partition does not make a partitioned database. It's not that you can't have a partitioned database with one partition, but what's the point?
I think you need to talk to your DBA.