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Job is being accessed by another user

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:52 pm
by Karine
When I tried to open an existing job, a message appeared with
"Job job_name is being accessed by another user"

1) How can I find out who is accessed this job?
2) If I want to force 'Unlock' this job - how can I do so?

I have been asking my co-workers and nobody own up accessing the job and I have waited for hours...

Re: Job is being accessed by another user

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:17 pm
by clj242021
Karine wrote:When I tried to open an existing job, a message appeared with
"Job job_name is being accessed by another user"

1) How can I find out who is accessed this job?
2) If I want to force 'Unlock' this job - how can I do so?

I have been asking my co-workers and nobody own up accessing the job and I have waited for hours...
you can via DS Director to find out who use the job
DS Director-->TOOL-->clearup resouces
#note if you use this function "enable job administration in director" must be check

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:58 am
by ray.wurlod
The "other user" can be you, in another window that you've minimized and forgotted about! Each connection to the server has a separate "agent process" to perform tasks.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:30 am
by ralleo
You can also run list_readu on the command line assuming you are using unix and the DataStage is set up correctly.

This generates a report to stdout and tells you the user for that job.
You can then unlock the userno number

Alternatively type who -R. This would tell you datastage users.


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