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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:53 pm
by sendmk

We have a Set of Master Sequences and the corresponding the Child Sequence and they are deisgned in such a way that the Master Seq and the child seq run in a Single node( all the jobs under child and master run on an Single Compute Node).

We extract data from from SAP using ABAP Extract the all the set of Jobs which are deisgned in the above pattern and running for a long time.

Even take data from oracle and write to a Dataset..

In production all jobs are simply running for hours together...not able to figure out the situation can anyone help us out.

thank you

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:03 pm
by chulett
Not sure what your post has to do with the subject line you used, but I'd suggest you actually ask a question or state more clearly what the issue is that you like some help with.

Things are taking longer than you think they should? :?

Job are in a running state...

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:29 pm
by sendmk
We have jobs which are running for ever in Grid Env that is the Problem..

we have Grid env where jobs are using dynamic config file and jobs runs on compute nodes...

we have 7 nodes...though jobs are running and running...