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How to elimilate warning when converting string to timestamp

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:57 pm
by Yuan_Edward
Hope you could help out with my second issue :)

My job design is like:
sequencial file stage=>transformer=>dataset

the sequencial file is fixed-width, timestamps are in the format: YYYYMMDDHHMISS, for example, 20070227124900 and are filled with spaces where optional.

The SQL Type in the sequencial file stage is VARCHAR(14). I did the conversion in the transformer stage, the logic is like:
1. First trim trailing spaces and store into a stage variable say SVTimestamp
2. if SVTimestamp = '' Then SetNull()
3. If IsValid("Timestamp", StringToTimestamp(SVTimestamp,"%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%nn%ss") Then StringToTimestamp(SVTimestamp,"%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%nn%ss") Else SetNull()

If the incoming timestamps are invalid, e.g. 20070227124961, the conversion in the IsValid will produce a warning in the job log.

Am I right? How can I eliminate the warning from the job log? Appreciate your help.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:11 pm
by ray.wurlod
You can create a job-specific message handler to demote these warnings to informational.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:38 pm
by Yuan_Edward
Thanks for your direction, Ray. Do you know where I can get documentation about this?
ray.wurlod wrote:You can create a job-specific message handler to demote these warnings to informational. ...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:00 pm
by ray.wurlod
The quick way is to right click on a warning message and "add rule to message handler". While in that dialog, click Help.

It will be in one of the manuals, but I don't have time to research which one. I'd guess Manager Guide would be the first place I'd look.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:57 pm
by balajisr

Can you post the warning you received?. You should not receive any warning. If the incoming timestamp is invalid then IsValid() function will return 0 and control passes to else condition.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:29 am
by Yuan_Edward
The job flow:
sequential file=>transformer=>dataset

The input SQL Type : varchar(14)
The output SQL Type: timestamp
The deviration logic in the transfomer:
If Trim(DSLink10.ColTimestamp) = "" Or IsValid("timestamp", StringToTimestamp(Trim(DSLink10.ColTimestamp) ,"%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%nn%ss")) <> @TRUE Then
StringToTimestamp(Trim(DSLink10.ColTimestamp) ,"%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%nn%ss")

There are 3 input values:
" " (14 spaces)

The warning I had is for the first record:
APT_CombinedOperatorController,0: Conversion error calling conversion routine timestamp_from_string data may have been lost

I think it is becuase the StringToTimestamp converion in the IsValid function. Can I use the IsValid directly to the string "20020101010161"? Any ideas?
balajisr wrote:Edward,

Can you post the warning you received?. You should not receive any warning. If the incoming timestamp is invalid then IsValid() function will return 0 and control passes to else condition.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:51 am
by keshav0307
you don't need to supress the warning. I have an stupid idea to avoid the warning. just replace your code in transformation to this:

If NOT (IsValid("Timestamp", (DSLink10.ColTimestamp[1,4]:"-":DSLink10.ColTimestamp[5,2]:"-":DSLink10.ColTimestamp[7,2]:" ":DSLink10.ColTimestamp[9,2]:":":DSLink10.ColTimestamp[11,2]:":":DSLink10.ColTimestamp[13,2]))) then SetNull() Else StringToTimestamp(Trim(DSLink10.ColTimestamp) ,"%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%nn%ss")

rather then

If Trim(DSLink10.ColTimestamp) = "" Or IsValid("timestamp", StringToTimestamp(Trim(DSLink10.ColTimestamp) ,"%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%nn%ss")) <> @TRUE Then
StringToTimestamp(Trim(DSLink10.ColTimestamp) ,"%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%nn%ss")

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:01 am
by balajisr
Are you sure it is for the 1st record. I just ran a test job with the 3 values given by you and had no warnings. Do you have only these three values in the file?

20020101010101 is converted into 2002-01-01 01:01:01 and IsValid returns 1.

20020101010161 is not a valid timestamp so it has been converted into null and IsValid returns 0.

Can you set APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION environment to true in your job and post the results.


Is there any reason you advocated using message handler?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:31 pm
by ray.wurlod
Because the question was how to eliminate warning from job log, and I treated it literally.