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DataStage V8.0 upgrade on SQL Server

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:29 am
by gomez
We are looking to upgrade the Server Component only for Information ServerV8.0. We would like to have SQL server as our metadata repository.
I have SQL Server 2005 installed on a server. I created the repository database on SQL Server 2005 with the SQL scripts shipped with the install. The server/client components of DataStage would have to be installed on my desktop
During installation, I chose custom install and there is no way to select/deselect metadata repository. I would need this to install the metadata repository first on the SQL Server machine and then the rest of the components on my desktop. However, the graphical install takes me to a page where it identifies there is no DB2 install on my machine and goes ahead installing DB2. I would like to know if there is an option I'm missing to install the program in parts. Or is there a separate license required if the repository has to be on a database other than DB2

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:13 pm
by vmcburney
I'm not sure what install you are running or whether you did the first step of the install wizard incorrectly. When I run the Info Server install.exe I get a wizard where the first form is a warning about disabling the firewall and the second form labeled "IBM Information Server Layers" has check boxes for each component: Client, Engine, Domain, Metadata Repository and Documentation. They are all unchecked. If you don't check Metadata Repository it wont try to install it.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:30 am
by WesL
Agreed - just uncheck metadata repository the install will prompt you for what DB system you are using and then prompt you for the login information of said system.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:27 pm
by gomez
Thanks so much
That works.
