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Error view data command

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:11 am
by PeterPol
hi all,

I want to retrieve a selection of records from my Dbf table. For this purpose I use an ODBC stage in which I set read method to table and specify the tablename as parameter #TABLE#. In the columns tab I entered the column 'markeer' from this table. When I view the data I get the following error:

>##E TOPK 000000 09:39:58(003) <_PEEK_IDENT_> Input dataset does not have field: "markeer"

However, when I chose as read method user-defined sql and enter the sql statement:

SELECT markeer
markeer = #FILENAME#

... gives the correct result set.
(with same column entered in columns tab)

I have 2 questions.
1. Any idea why does the table read method fail?
2. besides the fixed column markeer I also want to select other columns from this table. How to do this if I do not know on forehand what these columns are? The metadata of this table may change once in a while...

Can RCP be used for this?How?


Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:31 am
by kumar_s
As asked in the other post, does the view data work for any other field other than the given date field?
Just check you don't have any other database issues by changing the query to

On your other point, you can use the generated query to build the query so that the columns can be matched to that one present in the table. Dynamic metadata is not supported, unless you can make use of Scheme file clubbed with RCP.
But if the column that you intend to select remains the same, irrecpective of the change in table, your flow will continue with the fields that you have selected using the query.