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Strange thing about Lookup Stage

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:08 am
by Nageshsunkoji
Hi Dsxians,

Today I have encountered one strange thing in DS Parallel Lookup. Its related to Condition Box on Constraint Tab. I have one reference link for my Lookup stage and Whenever I tried to insert some condition on my Reference link by using the Inputcolumns from Driving link, I didn't get that option Inputcolumn in the Condition Box, Its in Disabled position. In the same job, I have one more lookup stage, where I can see this option as enabled. I have tried by changing the Condition Not met option from Fail to Continue or Drop or Reject. Its working means it showing the Inputcolumn option Enable. I am not able to find out the reason of this behaviour of lookup stage . Its Showing in some lookup stages and not showing in others. Any one faced this type of problem in past, please respond about this strange behaviour of Lookup stage.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:13 am
by johnthomas

I had the same problem , but it strange Datastage behaves that way :x
To fix this remove the links and again attach it with input link to be the first one to be attached to lookup . This is need to be done ,eventhough the link order may show that it is in correct order