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Unix giving Error while extracting records from SAP

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:22 am
by ambasta
Hi Friends,
Am getting error like,
EXT_V_IBIN_SYVAL,0: Operator terminated abnormally: received signal SIGSEGV [processmgr/rtpexecutil.C:161]

While extracting from SAP
-Job gets aborted after passing 40 lacs record
-My Source is = SAP nearly 1 crore records
-Target = Sequential file
-OS = Unix

Kindly give a suggestion Thanks in advance

Re: Unix giving Error while extracting records from SAP

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:49 am
by skokanay
Which data transfer method you are using while extracting the records from SAP using R/3 extract packs?


If CPIC is used it may abort the job because of the time out issue for the large volume of data , because the ABAP program here is made to run in foreground, the job may abort if it crosses the threshold time limit set for foreground processes.

Try using FTP in ABAP extract stage , here u have a option of scheduling the program in background. which may solve your problem.

If still the problem persists check the size limit of the target sequential file

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:09 am
by DSguru2B
This is an OS level error message. Do an exact search on "received signal SIGSEGV " and you will find many posts on this. Here is a starter

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:04 am
by mansoor_nb
I also agree with DSGuru2B,but when you are using the ABAP Extract stage to extract the records which are more than 2 Million(Large Volume) one should use FTP method in the ABAP Extract stage instead of CPIC method.

I also faced this problem long back and when i used FTP method instead of CPIC the problem got resolved.

What Skokanay is suggested is absolutely right.