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Compilation of Job Sequence

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:58 am
by Nagin
I have a Master Jobsequence 'A' calling multiple job sequences jobsequence1, job sequence2, job sequence3... and so on. If I modify a job in the job sequence1 and compile the job but not the jobsequence1, would it cause any trouble when I kick off the Master Jobsequence? In other words what happens if I dont compile the job sequence when an underlying job is modified and compiled? will the changes that have been made be in effect?

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:05 pm
by narasimha
It is not needed that you have to recompile the job sequence, if you make changes to the underlying job. As long as the job name in the Job activity remains the same and is compiled, you are safe.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:24 pm
by chulett
... and the job parameters remain unchanged. :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:43 pm
by Nagin
Thanks Narasimha and Craig, that answers my question. And would it be OK to assume that it is the same thing when we reset the Job Sequence status?. For instance, If the underlying job aborts for some reason, the sequence will also abort. In this situation, if I just modify the job, recompile it and reset the status of the Job sequence it should be running fine with taking the new changes in effect, right?

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:49 pm
by narasimha
In the Job Activity's "Execution action select "Reset if required, then run"
Now you don't need to go to the underlying job and reset it there.
The job will automatically get reset and run the next time you run the sequence.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:19 pm
by chulett
Nagin wrote:And would it be OK to assume that it is the same thing when we reset the Job Sequence status?. For instance, If the underlying job aborts for some reason, the sequence will also abort. In this situation, if I just modify the job, recompile it and reset the status of the Job sequence it should be running fine with taking the new changes in effect, right?
Yes. Making changes to or recompiling a job (with the restrictions noted above) won't adversely affect the ability of the Sequence job that controls it to handle it just fine. However...

Keep something in mind - if you have a restartable Sequence job, one that is in an 'Aborted/Restartable' status, then if you Reset it will start over from the beginning. You must leave the status alone and simply run it for it to pick up from the most recent checkpoint.

And the 'Reset if required' option *is* smart enough to not reset an Aborted/Restartable child Sequence job. :wink: