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Warnings during reading from Oracle table

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:10 am
by dw_prasanta
Hi All,
I am Reading the data from an Oracle9i table using Oracle enterprise stage using PX. In PX I have defined thedata type as BigInt(13). But while reading the fields from the table for attribute "STG_25B_PK (Number(13) in oracle table)", I am getting warnings like

"Column STG_25B_PK floating point decimal is not fully supported; adjusting the scale."
"oesR_STAGE_D0275_25B: When checking operator: When binding output interface field "DUMMY_COL" to field "DUMMY_COL": Implicit conversion from source type "decimal[38,10]" to result type "int32": Possible range/precision limitation."

When I am defining the data type as decimal(13,0) it is showing like

"oesR_STAGE_D0275_25B: When checking operator: When binding output interface field "STG_25B_PK" to field "STG_25B_PK": Implicit conversion from source type "decimal[38,10]" to result type "decimal[13,0]": Possible range/precision limitation."

When I am defining the data type as decimal(13,0) it is showing like

"oesR_STAGE_D0275_25B,0: Column STG_25B_PK floating point decimal is not fully supported; adjusting the scale."

Kindly give some suggestions how to avoid the warnings.

Thanks id advance.


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:37 am
by I_Server_Whale
Are you deliberately changing the datatypes and lengths? Or are you not aware of importing the meta-data from the manager. If the latter is the case.

Then, the best way to read the table would be by importing the right meta-data using the DS Manager.


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:04 am
by dw_prasanta

In Oracle table it si Number(13). I am importing the metadata from manager, and it is coming as Decimal(13). Still then the warnings are:-

I) oesR_STAGE_D0275_25B: Column STG_25B_PK floating point decimal is not fully supported; adjusting the scale.

II) oesR_STAGE_D0275_26B: When checking operator: When binding output interface field "STG_26B_PK" to field "STG_26B_PK": Implicit conversion from source type "decimal[38,10]" to result type "decimal[13,0]": Possible range/precision limitation.

And also I have pasted all possible combinatios....

Any updates/suggestions pl..


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:03 am
by johnthomas
Can you try reading the numeric value to varchar 13 and then convert it back to integer