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Sequential File Stage

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:30 am
by Raftsman
I have a *.txt comma delimited file on the server. If I use the Server version of DS, I can view the data and process it. When I use the Parallel version, the view option abort and cannot process the file. I changed some defaults to DOS format and still not viewing the data.

Could someone please explain why something so easy in the Server DS world is so complicated in the Parallel world. You would think that it would get easier and not harder


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:50 am
by jhmckeever

I assume that you actually want help with your PX sequential file stage (or are you really aiming to start a discussion on "why something so easy in the Server DS world is so complicated in the Parallel world."? :-)

That's a big topic! But if you want some help with your sequential file stage then post the error message and stage settings for us to have a look at.

I also assume you've tried <a href="search.php">searching</a>, right? ;-)


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:04 pm
by Raftsman
Yes, I searched for comma delimited, DOS linefeed etc. I am not trying to bash the Parallel DS. I am frustrated because I created a sequential comma delimited file, enter my schema representation and voila, I could view and work with it in the server world. I tried to do the same in the parallel world and I have had no luck. Frustration is setting in...

Anyway, the layout is

CD:nullable string[10];
CD_EDESC:string[max=254] {prefix=2};
CD_FDESC:string[max=254] {prefix=2};
AUD_PGM_ID:nullable string[15];
The data is

The default parms are being used.

I get this message.

##W TOIX 000000 13:02:57(000) <Sequential_File_52,0> Bad trailing quote character at field "CD"; looking for '34' but found '0', at offset: 38
##W TOIX 000154 13:02:57(001) <Sequential_File_52,0> Import warning at record 0:
##W TOIX 000018 13:02:57(002) <Sequential_File_52,0> Import unsuccessful at record 0:
##W TOIX 000000 13:02:57(003) <Sequential_File_52,0> Field "STD_AUD_INSR_DTTM" delimiter not seen, at offset: 26
##W TOIX 000154 13:02:57(004) <Sequential_File_52,0> Import warning at record 1:

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:06 pm
by Raftsman
The data looks like this,

9999,1,2006-11-24 00:00:00,"Person",2000-04-01-,9999-12-31-,"Person","Person","Person","Person","JXS166",2006-11-24-,"I","JXS166"

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:20 pm
by jhmckeever

1. Go to 'Columns' tab of you file stage
2. Click 'Load'
3. Click 'Import' -> 'Sequential File Definitions'
4. Specify your file then hit 'Import'

The resulting dialog will walk you through the process. maybe you'll spot something amiss there?


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:33 pm
by ray.wurlod
Etiquette Note
When you mark a topic as Resolved please add a post explaining to future searchers HOW it was resolved.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:02 pm
by Raftsman
Sorry. I followed the previous post instructions and loaded a sequential file layout from the input data and everything worked fine. I didn't follow up on the post because I assume the previous posters answer solve my problem. I will follow up on future posts.
