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Buildop: APT_MultiFieldAccessor without table definitions

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:12 pm
by devnull
I have been able to successfully use the MultiFieldAccessor class to iterate over all fields in a record with out referring to them by name. I can get the name and type of each field and can access their values. This will come in handy for performing mass scrub operations on fields with various types. However, I have still not been able to use it without naming a table definition (for column information). The buildop will compile just fine, but the job fails because the necessary connection was not made between the schemas (which are accessable via APT_Operator's viewAdaptedSchema) and the interface. Messing with the buildop's RCP setting doesn't do anything either, since all this seems to do is allow a buildop to automatically transfer fields from the in accessors to the out accessors.

If I didn't have to identify the table definition for the input and outputs in the buildops, I could make this custom operator behave like other general use operators.

Has anyone out there ever used the MultiFieldAccessor class in a buildop?
