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Lookup failure

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:58 pm
by DS_MJ

Source File - Sequential file
Target Seq File

Code: Select all

            Reject Seq file
Seq file ---> Filter --> Lookup -----> Transformer_2 ----> Seq File
                 |         /\
                 |         /
                 \/   --/


Input Seq File has column NAME, and ID
I want to look in column NAME for values "A" and "B"
and look in column ID for value

If NAME = "A" and ID = '1' AND
if NAME = "B" and ID = '1' then output record where NAME = 'B'

What I am doing:

I am using the filter stage where NAME = 'A'
Where Name = 'B'
sending NAME = 'A' in one output link to a lookup stage and NAME = 'B' in second output link the transformer.

Doing a lookup from the transformer to the lookup stage based on ID.

Sending the output to transform_2 and set a constraint in the transform_2 to output NAME = 'B' to the seq file.

When I run the job get the following errors:
Lookup_90: When checking operator: On output data set 0: Dropping component "NAME" because of a prior component with the same name.

Lookup_90: When checking operator: On output data set 0: Dropping component "ID" because of a prior component with the same name.

Lookup_90: When checking operator: On output data set 0: Dropping component "XYZ" because of a prior component with the same name.
DCSDIM_DCSCIM_DCSDIU,0: Progress: 10 percent.
DCSDIM_DCSCIM_DCSDIU,0: Progress: 90 percent.
DCSDIM_DCSCIM_DCSDIU,0: Import complete; 45558 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.
Reject,0: Export complete; 0 records exported successfully, 0 rejected.
C_AR_003_7_14_06_1_27_PM_5(Xfm_2).#0.Xfm_2: DSD.StageRun Active stage finishing.
0 rows read from Lkp_Out
0 rows written to tgt
0.010 CPU seconds used, 0.027 seconds elapsed.
Output,0: Export complete; 0 records exported successfully, 0 rejected.
main_program: Step execution finished with status = OK.
main_program: Startup time, 0:02; production run time, 0:00.
Parallel job reports successful completion
Finished Job C_AR_003_7_14_06_1_27_PM_5.

Why is it giving that error...? Whats wrong?
What does this error mean?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:36 pm
by kumar_s
Are you sure that you are doing a lookup over the transformer :!:
Change the name of the Filed name in either one of the like from NAME, ID and XYZ to something else.

Lookup failure

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:52 am
by ashwin141

Do you have any other stage between transformer and lookup?
Change the field names to something different and then try running it.

Re: Lookup failure

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:35 pm
by goriparthi
ashwin141 wrote:Hi

Do you have any other stage between transformer and lookup?
Change the field names to something different and then try running it.


we use dto get the exact same error in my last project , tried different ways but ultimately ended in doing the same job as it is from scratch because it something with the link names,
just give it a shot.


Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:55 pm
by cwong
Verify to un-check the run time column propagation in the job that created the lookup file set; also in the job that performed the lookup.

This would help ...