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Buildop Compile Error : C2026

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:39 am
by sidharth
Hi All,
I am trying to compile a buildop and i face this problem,

##E TBLD 000000 Subprocess command failed with exit status 512
##I TBLD 000008 cxx -O -IC:/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/ROCKVILLE/buildop -IC:/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/include -W/TP -W/EHa -DAPT_USE_ANSI_IOSTREAMS -c C:/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/ROCKVILLE/buildop/bosource2296-0.C -o C:/Ascential/TMP/bosource2296-0_s.o
##I TBLD 000000 Output from subprocess: bosource2296-0.C(336) : error C2026: string too big, trailing characters truncated

This problem is related to the output schema/table of the buildop. Here is the schema,

{final_delim=end, record_delim_string='\r\n', delim=',', quote=double}
FIN_A_DATE:string[max=8] {null_field=''};
ASST_CH_CASH:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_MS_MRKT_SECURTY:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_RE_RECEIVABLES:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_IV_INVENTORIES:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_RM_RAW_MAT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_WP_WRK_IN_PRGRS:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_FG_FINSHD_GDS:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_NO_NOTES_RCV:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_OC_OTH_CURR_ASST:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_CA_TOT_CURR_ASST:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_PR_PROP_PLT_EQT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_DR_ACC_DEP:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_PN_NET_PROP_EQT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_VV_INVS_ADV:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_TH_OTH_NON_CUR_ASST:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_CD_DEF_CHRG:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_IG_INSTANGIBLE:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_DA_DEP_OTH_ASST:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
ASST_AS_TOT_ASST:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_NT_NOTE_PAY:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_AP_ACC_PAY:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L2_CURR_LONG_TERM_DEBT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L3_CURR_PORT_CAP:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L4_ACCR_EXPENSE:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_TX_INCOME_TAX:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_LL_OTH_CURR_LIAB:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_TC_TOT_CURR_LIAB:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L5_MORTAGE:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L6_DEFF_CHRG_INC:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L7_CONVERTIBLE_DEBT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_LD_LONG_TERM_DEBT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L8_NON_CUR_CAP_LEASE:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_OL_OTH_LONG_TERM_LIAB:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_L9_TOT_LIAB:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_MI_MINORITY_INT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_LC_PREF_STK:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_LA_COMM_STK_NET:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_LB_CAP_SURPLUS:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_OE_RET_EARNING:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_TS_TREASURY_STK:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_LO_OTH_LIAB:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_NW_SHR_EQUITY:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
LIAB_LE_TOT_LIAB_NET_WORTH:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_DS_OUT_CMN_STK:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_SA_NET_SALES:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_CG_COST_OF_GOOD:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_GP_GROSS_PROFIT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_I1_R_D_EXP:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_SG_SELL_GEN_ADM_EXP:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_I2_INC_BEF_DEP_AMORT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_I3_DEP_AMORT:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_I4_NON_OPER_INC:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_I5_INTR_EXP:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_PI_INC_BEF_TAX:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_TT_PROV_INC_TAX:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_I6_MIN_INTEREST:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_GL_INV_GAIN_LOSS:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_IO_OTH_INC:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_I7_NET_INC_BEF_EX:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_EI_EX_DISC_OPS:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};
INST_IN_NET_INC:string[max=16] {quote=none, null_field=''};

When i remove the last few columns from the schema(around 15 columns) i dont get this error, i can understand this is a C++ compiler issue (Errror Code: C2026)

My Environment

Data Stage Engine : 7.5x2
OS : Windows 2000 Server with SP4 with .NET 2003

Could you please share your thoughts on it?


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:24 pm
by kumar_s
I think I faced similar problem in 7.5.1 when last column is null. I tried to swap a non nullable column to the last. Just give the try with the same.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:24 am
by sidharth
i tried, this doesnt work.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:58 pm
by bcarlson
Could you include your code as well? The problem may not be the schema, it may be the buildop code. The error may have gone away by elminating some columns, but that doesn't really solve the problem. I am assuming you need those columns, right?

We have used far larger schemas, so that is why I am thinking the problem may be elsewhere.



Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:47 pm
by sidharth
Hi Brad,
In the builop i have not added any code under the "Build" tab, i have just added the schema for the input and output port and i have tried. As per my knowledge, a builop generates an operator even without any code but with proper schema definitions.

And the interesting part,when i compile this in another environment of DS Server 7.5.1.A running under AIX Unix it compiles without any fuss. But it doesnt compile when tried in DS 7.5x2 running under Windows 2000 Server with SP4 with .NET 2003. I guess something wrong with the C++ compiler provided by microsoft.

FYI, there is a similar thread with same issue.

Thanks for the hint, any other guesses.