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DataStage Sequence not running when scheduled

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:18 pm
by vinay_renu2001

Yesterday i scheduled few of the sequences. They all are in a runnable state. But 2 of the sequences has just started and gave the below message:

DS.SCHED: Cannot find record JOBPARAMINSTS in executable job file RT_CONFIG345

This sequence did not run any jobs in it.

Is it because of the over load on the server? Or some thing else?

This morning i came and ran the same sequence without any changes, It ran perfectly.

Is there any strategy to do the laod balencing on the DataStage server?

How can we figure out the capability of the server that, to what extend the server can sustain to run the jobs?

I encountered few of the similar kind of posts in my search, but not exactly the same.

Can any one help me out in this?



Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:20 pm
by kumar_s
Chris Thornton had posted a ecase for this - ecase 36053.
You can always balance the load of the server by scheduling the jobs with some time lag.