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Issue with Nested_Condition Stage in a sequence

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:27 pm
by vinay_renu2001

I am using a "Nested-Condition" stage in a sequence. Actually, this sequence is used as a sub-sequence in a different sequence.

I have 4 triggers for the "Nested Condition" stage. Iam using the expression type "custom(conditional)".

Below are the expressions iam using:

Expression : ReturnValue = 0

Expression : ReturnValue = 1

Expression : ReturnValue = 2

Expression : ReturnValue = 0 Or ReturnValue = 1 Or ReturnValue = 2

Here, "ReturnValue" is the parameter in this sequence.

Iam getting the return value as a parameter from the master sequence.

When i compile this sequence, iam getting the compilation error as follows:

"Activity Nested_Condition: Trigger Expression Ret_Status_0-Variable 'ReturnValue' not defined"

I denfined ReturnValue as a parameter.

Now, I have a doubt that can i use Nested condition stage for this purpose?

Here, in this sequence Netested_Condition Stage does not have any pre-decessors.

Can any one help me out in this? :(


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:29 pm
by kris007
This is a known issue with the Nested Condition stage. You will need to apply a patch on your client machine. Contact your support provider. I can't recollect the eCase number. I faced the similar problem in the past at a different Client site. However, search the forum. I remember posting the patch name in some post.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:35 pm
by DSguru2B
I dont have access to DataStage currently but isnt it suppose to be $ReturnValue that you choose by right clicking on the window expression.
:?: :?: :?:


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:36 pm
by vinay_renu2001
kris007 wrote:This is a known issue with the Nested Condition stage. You will need to apply a patch on your client machine. Contact your support provider. I can't recollect the eCase number. I faced the similar problem in the past at a different Client site. However, search the forum. I remember posting the patch name in some post.

Thanks Kris!!

I will try and work on it.

CVan you please tell me the key words to look in the forum...So that i can point the right one..

Mean while i will try from my end.


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:40 pm
by vinay_renu2001
DSguru2B wrote:I dont have access to DataStage currently but isnt it suppose to be $ReturnValue that you choose by right clicking on the window expression.
:?: :?: :?:
Hi Chuck

Thanks for your response.

Actually, I am getting the return value of a "Execute Command" using "Comand_Output.$ReturnValue" in a parent sequence and assigning this as a parameter to this sequence.

This parameter is used in the expression.


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:42 pm
by kris007
Here's the patch name

Code: Select all

But I don't have the eCase number. So can't help you on that.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:51 pm
by vinay_renu2001
kris007 wrote:Here's the patch name

Code: Select all

But I don't have the eCase number. So can't help you on that.

Thanks Kris..

I will work on this.
