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Custom Build & Wrapper stage

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:42 am
by nvalia

I need to come up with a couple of Build stages for certain complex functionality in PX. Is there any help on the language & functions that can be used for building this stage? e.g APT_DATE::daysInYear(<year>)
Also what is the basic difference between Custom, Build & Wrapper stages?


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:48 am
by thompsonp
For the difference between the three take a look at the Parallel Job Advanced Developers Guide, Section 'Specifying Your Own Parallel Stages' on page 5-1

As far as help with the language goes I don't think the classes are documented anywhere except in their own header files.

There is of course plenty of information about C++ in general on the web.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:20 am
by nvalia
Hi thompsonp,

Thanks for ur prompt response.The advanced guide does list all the header file names.
Where on the DS server (path) can I find these Header files to be able to have a look at them, if I can!


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:22 pm
by bcarlson
On Unix, your user profile should include a variable called APT_ORCHHOME that is the base directory where the PXEngine resides. You should be able to find your header files in :


For example, on our system it is something like this:

APT_ORCHHOME = /apps/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/

and the include files are in:

Code: Select all

[bradsid@myserver 14568]: cd $APT_ORCHHOME
[bradsid@myserver 14569]: ls include/apt_util
archive.h             custreport.h          field_traversal.h     iostream_s.h          msg_exception.h       status.h
argvcheck.h           date.h                fileset.h             isdynamic.h           null.h                string.h
assert.h              decimal.h             fmtable.h             keygroup.h            parse_err.h           strstream_s.h
bad_alloc.h           endian.h              fstream_s.h           keylookup.h           persist.h             time.h
basicstring.h         env_flag.h            hash.h                locale.h              proplist.h            unicode_utils.h
bool.h                errind.h              hostfilename.h        locator.h             random.h              ustring.h
cdebug.h              errlog.h              identifier.h          logmsg.h              random64.h            varargs-array.h
condition.h           errorconfig.h         int53.h               lookupops.h           resbund.h
converter.h           exception.h           ints.h                lookuptable.h         rtti.h
converter_registry.h  fast_alloc.h          iosfwd_s.h            message.h             sstring.h

[bradsid@myserver 14570]:
Hope this helps,


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:48 pm
by ray.wurlod
Wow, 14570 items in your command history! Don't you ever log out?!!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:37 pm
by devnull
ray.wurlod wrote:Wow, 14570 items in your command history! Don't you ever log out?!!
14560 of those items are typing the "ps" command. ;)