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Multiplication errors in PX?

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:21 am
by seanc217
This one is strange...

I am trying to do a calcualtion in a PX transformer.
In the transformer I am applying the formula...

(x/y) * z

where x is a decimal 13,2
y is an integer and z is an integer

The result variable is defined as 13,2

The numbers are

x = 00000167037.66
y = 181
z = 181

The result should be: 167037.66 (z can change depending on other factors in this case it is the same)

The result I get is: 00000707037.66

Any ideas?


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:01 pm
by seanc217
I traced this down to a patch IBM support provided me to fix an issue with tranformers with a large amount of columns. Once I restored to a pre-patch state, no problems.