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Datatstage Manager: Export/Import problem

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:04 am
by mouni

Whenever I try to export/import DS jobs from Datatstage Manager, I am getting the following 3 errors (popups) one after the other:

1) MyCreateObject: Internal error - Could not create object with OLEType=VMDataStage.CDSRProgress
2) CDSRepos.Initialize: Internal error - Could not create frmProgress object
3) Runtime error 91. Object Variable or With block variable not set

Export/Import was working fine few days back, but from yesterday it is giving this problem.

I couldn't find any other posts with similar errors. Please help.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:25 am
by kumar_s
Was you Import/Export ended up in success?
What was the change recently made in your prject.
You can try REINDEXing. But I would suggest before doing it, do a COUNT on DS_JOBOBJECTS or DS_JOBS and verify everything is ok.
All this can be done in TCL or DS Adminstrator client, command option.
Make sure you have no sessions opened while doing REINDEX ALL. Search for the same and learn more about how to perform it.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:39 am
by mouni
Export/Import failed abruptly. I even tried DS.REINDEX ALL but didnt solve this problem. I don't see any changes that have been made to the DS projects or installation from past few days.

When I see the frmProgress error I feel some internal problem occured during creation of progress bar which actually is resulting in this error, but I am not very much sure.

Would a reinstall of the DS Client help solve this?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:18 am
by ray.wurlod
These are Visual Basic errors; that is, the problem is occurring in your client. "Cannot create object" may be caused by insufficient memory. Reinstalling the client may help; closing some other Windows applications may also help.

Runtime error 91, however, is definitely a bug in the code; you should report this to your support provider, ideally with a reproducible test case. There is some path through the code in which a "short cut" reference to an object has been made with no preceding With block being established. If this bug really does exist in the client software, then reinstalling it won't help.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:46 am
by mouni
Thanks for the tips. I tried these but unfortunately it didnt work. I am really tired now trying to figure out what the problem is. I also reinstalled both DS-Server and Client, but was of no luck.

I just notcied one more error. If I try to create a new Project from DS Administrator UI, it gives an error: Run-time error 462. The remote server machine does not exist.

But this is ridiculous cos I am able to access existing projects from administrator. From DOS console, using dsadmin.exe I am able to create a new project ( dsadmin -createproject NewProj -location C:\Ascential\DataStage\Projects\NewProj ).

I dunno whom to blame - Windows or Datastage??? No more fuel left today to solve this. I think I need to go home now and relax a bit hoping someone would give a solution. :(

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:09 pm
by kduke
I would reinstall the client.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:33 pm
by ray.wurlod
Don't re-install a buggy version. Get a new copy.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:09 pm
by kduke

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:49 pm
by yakiku

Have you been able to solve this problem? I am also receiving the same errors when i tried to do Export from Manager. Everything was working fine until yesterday. No server or client installation components have been changed.
Has anyone else seen this problem and found a way to resolve it?

thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:04 am
by mouni
Yes, it was solved after doing windows clean-up and applying few patches. Since I didnt have privileges to do these, I just asked the windows administrator to do this maintainance task for Windows and install any patches.

It seems to be some Visual Basic Problem as Ray has mentioned. Probably it is because of corruption of some dlls.

Now my Datastage is working fine.

Hope doing this helps you.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:16 am
by kumar_s
That case, you can try with "System Restore".

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:14 pm
by yakiku
This problem is solved and this is how on my client machine. There was a regular system maintenance and a file called 'Program' got created in C:\ with 0 bytes. When I renamed this file to 'Program1', the DataStage manager Export problems went away and the gui windows started appearing. I don't know the 'why' but it solved the problem ( it must be something to do with VB as Ray suggested).

Mouni,kumar_s: Thanks for your replies.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:45 pm
by kumar_s
yakiku - Amazing!!
I guess we need to check any other VB application, with the presence of the file 'Program' under the C:\, whether it works normally. Might be a problem with MicroSoft.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:31 am
by ray.wurlod
Conventionally all client software is installed in C:\Program Files\...

The existence of "C:\Program" would manifestly interfere with any search for client software in "C:\Program Files".

Not really a Visual Basic problem in this case, you could generate the same problem with Visual C++ or pretty much anything else.

Nice catch. 8)