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Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:23 pm
by bala_135

I have worked with server Edition and extracted data from XML inputs.
There was a stage called folder stage which takes two columns in the second i will the the input of the XML input stage i need to mention abt the contents either as a columns from folder stage or URL.

How can do the same in parallel jobs.From where i can pass the contents.
I have tried this logic

Row gen---->transformer(passing the URL) ----->XML input--->output.

But the URL which i am passing either as a string or through the job parameter both not working.Any inputs will be most appreciated.


Re: XML-Input

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:15 pm
by sud
bala_135 wrote:Hi,

... a stage called folder stage which takes two columns in the second i will the the input of the XML input stage i need to mention abt the contents either as a columns from folder stage or URL.
I really got confused, may be you can try to rephrase.

Are you asking for a way to pass the surce URL to the XML Input Stage ? For that you need to mention Column Content as URL and select the column containing that input. This you can do in the XML Input stage's Inout tab.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:54 pm
by bala_135
Hi Sud,

Thanks for the reply.Exactly what you have mentioned is right.I am asking a way to pass the source URL to the XML Input Stage.

Example:-I am the XML content in location say D:\customer.xml.
Do you mean to say if i pass this location as the URL in the input tab of the xml stage it will work.If thats is case how do i pass it in paralle jobs.


Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:44 am
by chulett
Unless the XML stages are different in PX, there's no way to supply anything like a filename or URL directly in the Input tab. You need to pass it in just like you've been doing in a specific field.

However, the Folder stage in Server jobs doesn't provide any magical functionality other than reading wildcarded filenames from a directory. I've used a Transformer to provide a single URL to the XML Input stage via job parameters and it works just fine in Server, so I'd imagine you should be able to do the exact same thing here.

You might want to elaborate on the 'not working' part of your first post where you said you tried that already.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:52 pm
by anntaylor
Yes. Please be more specific about the "not working" I have used the row generator to pass the file name, but not a URL - though it should work similarly.