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ASCII format showing some low characters

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:15 pm
by us1aslam1us
Hi All

I am having one issue here.

I am having an ASCII file with some data.When i am looking at the data in the UltraEdit instead of real spaces i am having some low characters there.



There should be spaces instead of dots there.Any suggestions.


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:20 pm
by kcbland
How big is the file, and what do you want to do about the low ASCII values? If the file is small and you want the low values swapped to a space, a simple filter using sed could swap out the values. Anything larger and complicated could require some work.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:27 pm
by us1aslam1us
Hi Ken,

I need the characters to be swapped with space. Also ken could you tell me why this is happening,is there anything i am doing wrong while coding or some other reason.


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:14 pm
by kcbland
Are you creating the file or is it coming to you? If you're creating it, where are you getting it? You'll have to put some derivation logic on the interested columns.

If the file is coming to you this way, you'll have to address the file prior to reading it with PX.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:57 pm
by ray.wurlod
The hex dump of UltraEdit always shows dots where non-display characters occur.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:18 am
by us1aslam1us
Hi ken,

I am creating this file. Can i do anything before loading this thing in the sequential file.Orelse can i do something in my sequence job where i am concatinating the detail and trailer recors in one file.Like using some unix commands.....

Hi Ray,

Will it be an issue if we get the thing like that or we can ignore it?


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:45 am
by ArndW

since you are creating this file you can strip out or replace the offending non-displayable characters yourself. You can even write a simple DataStage job to read a file and do this. Do you know the ASCII code(s) of the characters that are getting inserted into the file? You've stated "low characters" but that could include anything lower than ASCII 32 (space).

You can use sed in UNIX to modify your file, but in order to get a suggestion on how to do that from here you might want to specify exactly what you need done to what characters.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:27 am
by kumar_s
Sam - Check the option available in the edition. And try to turn of the "Show space and tabs" option. If enabled will show you spaces, new line character, tabs...
It is an additional feature available in the editior.
So there is nothing to do with your job. Veiw the same file in unix, with vi option. It should look good.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:13 am
by us1aslam1us
ArndW wrote: You've stated "low characters" but that could include anything lower than ASCII 32 (space).

You can use sed in UNIX to modify your file, but in order to get a suggestion on how to do that from here you might want to specify exactly what you need done to what characters.

I am getting dots instead of spaces. If possible i just want to get rid of any low character with space.


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:33 am
by ArndW
You stated that you are creating this file. How (a DataStage EE Job, a script)?

You can use some of the Transform stage functions in either EE or Server to manipulate characters. I think some of us are confused because you have said that you create the file but you want to remove "low characters" without really having said which low characters and also where you want to replace them with spaces. There are so many ways that this can be done from a DataStage job to a simple sed script; but the best would be not get them those invalid characters there in the first place [which is why you've been asked about where the file gets created in the first place].

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:58 am
by us1aslam1us
ArndW wrote:You stated that you are creating this file. How (a DataStage EE Job, a script)?

You can use some of the Transform stage functions in either EE or Server to manipulate characters. I think some of us are confused because you have said that you create the file but you want to remove "low characters" without really having said which low characters and also where you want to replace them with spaces. There are so many ways that this can be done from a DataStage job to a simple sed script; but the best would be not get them those invalid characters there in the first place [which is why you've been asked about where the file gets created in the first place].

I am creating this file in a Datastage EE job. I don't understand y i am getting those and as i said i am just being able to see that dots when i am checking the hex dump in UltraEdit. Maybe this is confusing but i don't know how to proceed further. But according to my understanding i need to replace hex '00' with '20'.(NUL Ascii character with the Space.)Can someone help me how to do this thing using ereplace or any other transform function.


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:13 pm
by ArndW
If you are generating the in a EE job then this is the best place to get rid of them. You can do a CONVERT(CAHR(000),' ',In.ColumnName) in a EE transform stage (the syntax is the same as that for a server job).

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:24 pm
by us1aslam1us
ArndW wrote:If you are generating the in a EE job then this is the best place to get rid of them. You can do a CONVERT(CAHR(000),' ',In.ColumnName) in a EE transform stage (the syntax is the same as that for a server job).
Thanks Arnd.


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:40 pm
by DSkkk
Hi Sam..

There is one possible reason for the Low values. When u put a varchar field into a Char(N) Field, then EE Stage by default appends the remaning length with Lower values.
The solution for this is U trim the Source Field and explicitly append the rest of the Field Lenght with Spaces.

ex: Trimf(TrimB(SOURCE_COLUMN) : Str(' ',OUT_COLUMN_LENGTH -(Len(TrimF(TrimB(SOUCE_COLUMN)))))

let me know if this helps.


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:07 pm
by us1aslam1us
ArndW wrote: CONVERT(CHAR(000),' ',In.ColumnName)
It is not working,still i am getting the same problem.
