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Oracle Enterprise stage decimal conv Warning

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:29 am
by vsusmita

I am trying to extract data from oracle table unis oracle enterprice editionstare it has decimal column

in datastage i have spcified metadata as float 10,2 ,
i am getting following warning..
Oracle_Enterprise_1: Column RATE_REQ floating point decimal is not fully supported; adjusting the scale

i even tried different formats in datastage metadata like smallint,bigint,
deciam 38,2

still i am gettign same wraning,,

is there any way to eliminate this warning..

thanks in advance

Re: Oracle Enterprise stage decimal conv Warning

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:05 pm
by sud
vsusmita wrote: Oracle_Enterprise_1: Column RATE_REQ floating point decimal is not fully supported; adjusting the scale
The message itself is the answer. Floating point decimal is not fully supported and datastage has to report that. If you do not want the warning you have to do message handling and demote this to a Info.
