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Getting Error While FTPing(File access permission denied)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:03 am
by spendem
Hi All,

I am getting following error message when I m tryi ng to FTP to another server.

Warning: FTPServer..FTP_Plug_in_1: 553 MicroReins.DAT: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

Fatal: FTPServer..FTP_Plug_in_1: Error while trying to open connection for sending data to the FTP server, FTP command STOR failed

I even changed the read acces mode of the file to chmod 777 filename but I am still getting this problem.

Do I need to change any setting options to get it ftp ied on the different server, Since when This FTP mechanism works fine when I use same serever with diffrenet directory(Path).

Many Thanks,

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:24 am
by DSguru2B
Did it give any error code with the STOR command failed message.
Basically there is a problem with permissions. You might have permission to that server, but do you have permission to that folder. Try going to command prompt and try to ftp from there. See if that is successful.
To get more information on the STOR command, try googling it. You will get many pages that will explain you what it means.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:04 am
by spendem
Thanks DSguru,

I tried ftping it thru command prompt It didnt worked, The problem was I dont have access to that particular directory when we changed the access permissions for that directory we I was able to FTP the file.


Re: Getting Error While FTPing(File access permission denied

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:58 am
by Ashish
Hi spendem ,

You getting this Error because file with the same name present in the another server and this file created be other user, so when you are trying to ftp your file from your server to another server it will not allow you to override the existing file better to remove the file from the other Server and create the dummy file in other server using Touch Cmd.

Ashish Arora

spendem wrote:Hi All,

I am getting following error message when I m tryi ng to FTP to another server.

Warning: FTPServer..FTP_Plug_in_1: 553 MicroReins.DAT: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

Fatal: FTPServer..FTP_Plug_in_1: Error while trying to open connection for sending data to the FTP server, FTP command STOR failed

I even changed the read acces mode of the file to chmod 777 filename but I am still getting this problem.

Do I need to change any setting options to get it ftp ied on the different server, Since when This FTP mechanism works fine when I use same serever with diffrenet directory(Path).

Many Thanks,