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Prerequisites for the DB2/UDB Enterprise stage

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 9:59 am
by goffinw

the installation guide is unclear as to the relation between DB2 V8 with DPF and the DataStage DB2/UDB Enterprise stage.
In order to take advantage to the parallel capabilities of the DB2/UDB Enterprise stage, it is clear that the database must also be parallel (DPF). But can this stage be used to access non-parallel databases?
Does anyone know the exact prerequisites for the use of the DB2/UDB Enterprise stage? Which of the following are true or false?
  • * All DB2 instances, with or without DPF, are supported (can be accessed).
    * The DPF license file must be correctly installed.
    * The DB2 instance must at least have two nodes. A database inside this instance can be created on one node only.
    * The DB2 instance must at least have two nodes. A database inside this instance must also be created on these two nodes.
Thanks for your answers.