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FTP File stage in PX

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 12:56 pm
by bcarlson
I have not yet had opportunity to use the FTP stage, but I do have some questions about it.

1) Is the FTP STage equipped to do sftp (uses the ssh protocol)? We are not allowed to use standard FTP here anymore. We must use sftp.

2) Does the stage transfer data in parallel or sequentially? in other words, if we have 5 channels available for file transfer, can FTP send data over all 5 channels and 'compile' the resulting file on the target server? Or can it only send one stream to the target?

3) Does the target need any DataStage installation or libraries in order to send data to it via the FTP Stage? Or does it just look like a standard ftp process?

Thanks for the info!


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:47 pm
by anntaylor
1- I am also curious about sftp. You can change the ftp command the stage uses, so give that a try and let us know.

2 - The stage is sequential. Look in the Stage\Advanced Tab.

3 - The target does not need any config. If you can connect via ftp from the command line, you can connect via the stage.