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Dates in PX

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:38 pm
by seanc217
I have dates in the following format coming in as source data:
YYYYDDD. Where ddd= the day of the year. When I output these dates to our warehouse I know I will have to convert them, but I also have values of 0 in these fields which I would like to convert to null. Is there anyway to do this in PX with a date datatype? The target is an Oracle database.


Re: Dates in PX

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:34 am
by salil
seanc217 wrote:I have dates in the following format coming in as source data:
YYYYDDD. Where ddd= the day of the year. When I output these dates to our warehouse I know I will have to convert them, but I also have values of 0 in these fields which I would like to convert to null. Is there anyway to do this in PX with a date datatype? The target is an Oracle database.

Try to handle this using function conbinations like:
If ('yyyyddd'[3])='000' then setnull() else DateFromDaysSince()


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:51 am
by seanc217
It looks like this will work well.
